Secret Spirit Agents Wikia

"Chopping Trees? Stop, Please!"



FH: 1293
FH Pts: 90,680,812
FH boss level: 140s?
SH: 2581
SH Pts: 97,892,283
TR: 2009
TR Pts: 188,573,095
SH/TR boss level: 184 ?


Event Daemon Drops


x15 Mata Hari
x12 Sakurada Mon
x10 Yamataka Jindai Sakura
x1 Forge Washington


Item Usage


~390 Perk-up Potion
18 Spirit Dose


Notes & Thoughts


During FH:
I was skeptical about event. Really didn't want to play at all because of the random jumble of daemons. Especially that one helper that added more confusion to how the event's plot would go. Well, after that and actually getting Uyuni, I thought I might as well play. Checked out the event, ability of George Washington is great (best of all LB1!!!!!) so I'm going for rankings. Aiming to be around boss lv150 by FH end. Or maybe boss lv200 if I go crazy.
My fave is Sakurada cute...Jindai is okay (sorry Pokku)

After FH:
Damn, I spammed to 90mil cp (about 1077 rank before i went to sleep; 6 hours before FH end) and only dropped about 200 ranks down. Drop rate this event is really bad for me compared to last cq, really need a Forge drop or I'll end up going to 200...

After SH/TR:
Was going to climb to 200 for MLB forge but he dropped on 149 on a guildmate's boss :'D
Dropped out of SH but not surprised. Too many Sakurada and Jindai drops that I felt bad selling them...but now I have 85-ish more mochi (also sold Mata Hari drops) from all that (still kept 4 copies of each 4* event daemon plus 1 MLB copy each because I can't bear to sell more).
